A Love Letter To My Little Darlings

A Love Letter To My Little Darlings

Little darlings,

You came into this world to live a life only you can. The one thing you have, nobody else has is you. You were made by God’s grace. He blessed you with gifts and passions for you to shine in this world. Nobody else has your voice, soul, or story. My hopes for you are to grow, create, love, and shine. You were designed for greatness. You were made to move mountains and love with your whole heart. Love is what we were born with. It is our true existence here on earth. Embrace your love. Don’t be afraid. Allow yourself to feel love and experience love in your passions, thoughts, purpose, and others. It is the real meaning of life.

Learn to be consciously aware of your thoughts, feelings, and inner beauty. Shine the strengths God gave you and be aware of your weaknesses. Fight for the things that matter and value who you are and where you came from. You each shine in different ways. Remember to love yourself for who you are. Learn to sing, dance, and laugh as much as you can. This life was meant for us to enjoy and see the beauty in the simple things around us. My love for you is indescribable.

My heart hurts to think of the love I have for you. I will love you for always and forever, my little darlings. You make mommy so proud.


